NEOCLASSICAL NAMELIST ===================== Short Description ----------------- Description of NEOCLASSICAL namelist Keywords -------- namelist Namelist Variables ------------------ EXB Switch for calculating ExB frequency from neoclassical theory: 0: Use ExB frequency profile from pFile 1: Use ExB frequency profile derived from pFile toroidal and poloidal velocity profiles (should be same as EXB = 0) 2: Use ExB frequency profile derived from pFile toroidal velocity profile and neoclassical poloidal velocity profile IMPURITY Flag for inclusion of impurities in calculation NEUTRAL Flag for inclusion of neutrals in claculation NTYPE If 0/1 then flux-surface averaged neutral density distribution exponential/Lorentzian NN Flux-surface averaged neutral density on LCFS (m^-3) LN Flux-surface averaged neutral density decay lengthscale (m) YN Neutral peaking factor at X-point SVN Charge exchange rate constant (m^3/s) EN Incoming neutral energy/ion energy INTF Flag for fFile interpolation INTP Flag for pFile interpolation INTC Flag for cFile interpolation CATS Flag for linear-only interpolation of cFiles DMIN Minimum allowed value of diffusvities at resonant surfaces (m^2/s) DMAX Maximum allowed value of diffusvities at resonant surfaces (m^2/s) TIME Experimental time (ms) (only relevant with interpolation of pFiles/fFiles/cFiles) TAUMIN Minimum allowed value of tau (parameter in calculation of linear layer widths) COULOMB Coulomb logarithm NSMOOTH Number of smoothing cycles for calculation of higher derivatives of profiles