EPEC NAMELIST ============= Short Description ----------------- Description of EPEC namelist Keywords -------- namelist Namelist Variables ------------------ TSTART Simulation start time (ms) TEND Simulation end time (ms) PSTART Start time for PHASE/EPEC plots (ignored if negative) (ms) PEND End time for PHASE/EPEC plots (ignored if negative) (ms) MPOL PHASE/EPEC plots only show data for mode with poloidal mode number MPOL (ignored if negative) DTR Time interval between successive RESCALE calculations (ms) DTF Time interval between successive fFile/nFile calculations (ms) DTP Time interval between successive PHASE runs (ms) RESTART Flag for restarting each PHASE run, rather than using previous run as initial condition ANSTART Initial AN for RESCALE n_e scan ANEND Final AN for RESCALE n_e scan ATSTART Initial AT for RESCALE T_e scan ATEND Final AT for RESCALE T_e scan ARSTART Initial AR for RESCALE R_0 scan AREND Final AR for RESCALE R_0 scan ACSTART Initial AC for RESCALE CHI_PHI scan ACEND Final AC for RESCALE CHI_PHI scan APSTART Initial AP for RESCALE P scan APEND Final AP for RESCALE P scan AWSTART Initial AW for RESCALE w_E scan AWEND Final AW for RESCALE w_E scan QSTART Initial Q95 for RESCALE q_95 scan QEND Final Q95 for RESCALE q_95 scan