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: azimuth.
: major radius, altitude.
: major radius of sun.
: right ascension.
: right ascension of mean sun.
: minor radius.
: ecliptic latitude.
: lunar-solar elongation.
: mean lunar-solar elongation.
: semi-mean lunar-solar elongation.
: declination.
: parallax of moon.
: eccentricity.
: eccentricity of moon.
: eccentricity of sun.
: inclination of ecliptic.
: elliptic anomaly.
: radial anomaly.
: equation of epicycle.
: argument of latitude.
: mean argument of latitude.
: mean argument of latitude at epoch.
: mean argument of latitude of moon.
: ecliptic longitude.
: ecliptic longitude of sun.
: mean longitude.
: mean longitude at epoch.
: mean longitude of moon.
: mean longitude of sun.
: terrestrial latitude.
: mean anomaly.
: mean anomaly at epoch.
: mean anomaly of moon.
: mean anomaly of sun.
: epicyclic anomaly, parallactic angle.
: rate of motion in mean longitude.
: rate of motion in mean anomaly.
: rate of motion in mean argument of latitude.
: equation of center.
: lunar anomalies.
: radius of earth.
: radius of moon.
: radius of sun.
: radial distance.
: angular radius of sun.
: angular radius of moon.
: angular radius of earth's umbra.
: time.
: epoch.
: true anomaly.
: orbital period.
: longitude of perigee.
: longitude of ascending node.
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Richard Fitzpatrick