Next: Rotation Operators in Spin
Up: Spin Angular Momentum
Previous: Properties of Spin Angular
Wavefunction of Spin One-Half Particle
The state of a spin one-half particle is represented as a vector in ket space.
Let us suppose that this space is spanned by the basis kets
. Here,
denotes a
simultaneous eigenstate of the position operators
, and
the spin operator
, corresponding to the eigenvalues
, respectively. The basis kets are assumed to
satisfy the completeness relation
(431) |
It is helpful to think of the ket
as the product
of two kets--a position space ket
, and
a spin space ket
. We assume that such a product obeys
the commutative and distributive axioms of multiplication:
where the
's are numbers. We can give meaning to any
position space operator (such as
) acting on the product
by assuming that it operates only on the
factor, and commutes with the
Similarly, we can give a meaning to any spin operator (such as
) acting
by assuming that it operates only on
, and
commutes with
. This implies that every position
space operator
commutes with every spin operator. In this manner, we can give
meaning to the equation
(435) |
The multiplication in the above equation is of a quite different type to
any that we have encountered previously. The ket vectors
lie in two completely separate vector spaces, and their product
lies in a third vector space.
In mathematics, the latter space
is termed the product space of the former spaces, which are
termed factor spaces. The number of
dimensions of a product space is equal to the product of the number of dimensions
of each of the factor spaces. A general ket of the product space is not
of the form (435), but is instead a sum or integral of kets of this form.
A general state
of a spin one-half particle is represented as a ket
in the product of the spin and position spaces.
This state can be completely specified by two wavefunctions:
The probability of observing the particle in the region
, and
, with
. Likewise,
the probability of observing the particle in the region
, and
, with
The normalization condition for the wavefunctions is
(438) |
Next: Rotation Operators in Spin
Up: Spin Angular Momentum
Previous: Properties of Spin Angular
Richard Fitzpatrick