
Fitzpatrick R 2015 Plasma Physics: An Introduction (Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group)

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Fitzpatrick R 2021 Further Modeling of q95 Windows for the Suppression of Edge Localized Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the DIII-D Tokamak Physics of Plasmas 28 022503

Fitzpatrick R, Kim S and Lee J 2021 Modeling of q95 Windows for the Suppression of Edge Localized Modes by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in the KSTAR Tokamak Physics of Plasmas 28 082511

Fitzpatrick R and Nelson A O 2020 An Improved Theory of the Response of DIII-D H-Mode Discharges to Static Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and its Implications for the Suppression of Edge Localized Modes Physics of Plasmas 27 072501

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