Moments of Kinetic Equation

We obtain fluid equations by taking appropriate moments of the kinetic equation, Equation (4.1). It is convenient to rearrange the acceleration term as follows:

$\displaystyle {\bf a}_s\cdot\nabla_v f_s = \nabla_v\cdot({\bf a}_s\,f_s).$ (4.33)

The two forms are equivalent because flow in velocity space under the Lorentz force is incompressible: that is,

$\displaystyle \nabla_v\cdot {\bf a}_s = 0.$ (4.34)

Thus, Equation (4.1) becomes

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial f_s}{\partial t} +
\nabla\cdot({\bf v}\,f_s) +\nabla_v\cdot({\bf a}_s\,f_s) = C_s(f).$ (4.35)

The rearrangement of the flow term is, of course, trivial, because ${\bf v}$ is independent of ${\bf r}$.

The $k$th moment of the kinetic equation is obtained by multiplying the previous equation by $k$ powers of ${\bf v}$, and integrating over velocity space. The flow term is simplified by pulling the divergence outside the velocity integral. The acceleration term is treated by partial integration. These two terms couple the $k$th moment to the $(k+1)\,$th and $(k-1)\,$th moments, respectively.

Making use of the collisional conservation laws, the zeroth moment of Equation (4.35) yields the continuity equation for species $s$:

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial n_s}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot(n_s\,{\bf V}_s) = 0.$ (4.36)

Likewise, the first moment gives the momentum conservation equation for species $s$:

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial(m_s\, n_s\,{\bf V}_s)}{\partial t}
+ \nabla\cdot{\bf P}_s -e_s\, n_s\,({\bf E} + {\bf V}_s\times {\bf B}) ={\bf F}_s.$ (4.37)

Finally, the contracted second moment yields the energy conservation equation for species $s$:

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left( \frac{3}{2}\,p_s + \frac{1}{2}\...
...t{\bf Q}_s - e_s\, n_s\,{\bf E}\cdot{\bf V}_s = w_s
+ {\bf V}_s\cdot {\bf F}_s.$ (4.38)

The interpretation of Equations (4.36)–(4.38) as conservation laws is straightforward. Suppose that $G$ is some physical quantity (for instance, the total number of particles, the total energy, and so on), and $g({\bf r}, t)$ is its density:

$\displaystyle G = \int g\,d^3{\bf r}.$ (4.39)

If $G$ is conserved then $g$ must evolve according to

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial g}{\partial t} + \nabla\cdot {\bf g} = {\mit\Delta} g,$ (4.40)

where ${\bf g}$ is the flux density of $G$, and ${\mit\Delta}g$ is the local rate per unit volume at which $G$ is created, or exchanged with other entities in the fluid. According to the previous equation, the density of $G$ at some point changes because there is net flow of $G$ towards or away from that point (characterized by the divergence term), or because of local sources or sinks of $G$ (characterized by the right-hand side).

Applying this reasoning to Equation (4.36), we see that $n_s\,{\bf V}_s$ is indeed the species-$s$ particle flux density, and that there are no local sources or sinks of species-$s$ particles.4.1 From Equation (4.37), it is apparent that the stress tensor, ${\bf P}_s$, is the species-$s$ momentum flux density, and that the species-$s$ momentum is changed locally by the Lorentz force, and by collisional friction with other species. Finally, from Equation (4.38), we see that ${\bf Q}_s$ is indeed the species-$s$ energy flux density, and that the species-$s$ energy is changed locally by electrical work, energy exchange with other species, and frictional heating.