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Charged Particle Motion in Electromagnetic Fields

The classical Hamiltonian for a particle of mass $ m$ and charge $ q$ moving under the influence of electromagnetic fields is [55]

$\displaystyle H= \frac{1}{2\,m}\,({\bf p} - q\,{\bf A})\cdot({\bf p} - q\,{\bf A})\ + q\,\phi,$ (3.71)

where $ {\bf A}={\bf A}({\bf x},t)$ and $ \phi=\phi({\bf x},t)$ are the vector and scalar potentials, respectively [49]. These potentials are related to the familiar electric and magnetic field-strengths, $ {\bf E}({\bf x},t)$ and $ {\bf B}({\bf x},t)$ , respectively, via [49]

$\displaystyle {\bf E}$ $\displaystyle = -\nabla\phi-\frac{\partial {\bf A}}{\partial t},$ (3.72)
$\displaystyle {\bf B}$ $\displaystyle = \nabla\times {\bf A}.$ (3.73)

Let us assume that expression (3.71) is also the correct quantum mechanical Hamiltonian for a charged particle moving in electromagnetic fields. Obviously, in quantum mechanics, we must treat $ {\bf p}$ , $ {\bf A}$ , and $ \phi$ as operators that do not necessarily commute.

The Heisenberg equations of motion for the components of $ {\bf x}$ are

$\displaystyle \frac{dx_i}{dt} =\frac{[x_i, H]}{{\rm i}\,\hbar}.$ (3.74)


$\displaystyle [x_i, H] = {\rm i}\,\hbar\,\frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i} = \frac{{\rm i}\,\hbar}{m}\,(p_i-q\,A_i),$ (3.75)

where use has been made of Equations (3.33) and (3.71). It follows that

$\displaystyle m\,\frac{d{\bf x}}{dt} =$   $\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\Pi$}$$\displaystyle ,$ (3.76)


$\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\Pi$}$$\displaystyle = {\bf p} - q\,{\bf A}.$ (3.77)

Here, $ \Pi$ is referred to as the mechanical momentum, whereas $ {\bf p}$ is termed the canonical momentum.

It is easily seen that

$\displaystyle [{\mit\Pi}_i, {\mit\Pi}_j] = q\,[p_j, A_i] -q\,[p_i, A_j].$ (3.78)


$\displaystyle [p_j, A_i] = -{\rm i}\,\hbar\,\frac{\partial A_i}{\partial x_j},$ (3.79)

where we have employed Equation (3.34). Thus, we obtain

$\displaystyle [{\mit\Pi}_i, {\mit\Pi}_j] = {\rm i}\,\hbar\,q\left(\frac{\partia...
...rac{\partial A_i}{\partial x_j}\right)= {\rm i}\,\hbar\,q\,\epsilon_{ijk}\,B_k,$ (3.80)

because [from Equation (3.73)]

$\displaystyle B_i = \epsilon_{ijk}\,\frac{\partial A_k}{\partial x_j}.$ (3.81)

Here, $ \epsilon_{ijk}$ is the totally antisymmetric tensor (that is, $ \epsilon_{ijk}=1$ if $ i$ , $ j$ , $ k$ is a cyclic permutation of $ 1$ , $ 2$ , $ 3$ ; $ \epsilon_{ijk}=-1$ if $ i$ , $ j$ , $ k$ is an anti-cyclic permutation of $ 1$ , $ 2$ , $ 3$ ; and $ \epsilon_{ijk}=0$ otherwise), and we have used the standard result $ \epsilon_{ijk}\,\epsilon_{iab}=\delta_{ja}\,\delta_{kb}-\delta_{jb}\,\delta_{ka}$ , as well as the Einstein summation convention (that repeated indices are implicitly summed from $ 1$ to $ 3$ ) [92].

We can write the Hamiltonian (3.71) in the form

$\displaystyle H = \frac{{\mit\Pi}^{\,2}}{2\,m} +q\,\phi.$ (3.82)

The Heisenberg equation of motions for the components of $ \Pi$ are

$\displaystyle \frac{d{\mit\Pi}_i}{dt}=\frac{[{\mit\Pi}_i, H]}{{\rm i}\,\hbar} + \frac{\partial {\mit\Pi}_i}{\partial t}.$ (3.83)

Here, we have taken into account the fact that $ {\mit\Pi}_i$ depends explicitly on time through its dependence on $ A_i({\bf x}, t)$ . However,

$\displaystyle [{\mit\Pi}_i, {\mit\Pi}^{\,2}] = {\mit\Pi}_j\,[{\mit\Pi}_i, {\mit...
...\left(\epsilon_{ijk}\,{\mit\Pi}_j\,B_k-\epsilon_{ijk}\,B_j\,{\mit\Pi}_k\right),$ (3.84)

where use has been made of Equation (3.80). Moreover,

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial {\mit\Pi}_i}{\partial t}$ $\displaystyle = -q\,\frac{\partial A_i}{\partial t},$ (3.85)
$\displaystyle [{\mit\Pi}_i, \phi]$ $\displaystyle = [p_i, \phi] = -{\rm i}\,\hbar\,\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial x_i},$ (3.86)

where we have employed Equation (3.33). The previous five equations yield

$\displaystyle \frac{d\mbox{\boldmath$\Pi$}}{dt} = q\,{\bf E} + \frac{q}{2\,m}\l...{\boldmath$\Pi$}\times {\bf B} - {\bf B}\times \mbox{\boldmath$\Pi$}\right),$ (3.87)

which can be combined with Equation (3.76) to give

$\displaystyle m\,\frac{d^{\,2} {\bf x}}{dt^{\,2}} = q\,{\bf E}+ \frac{q}{2}\left(\frac{d{\bf x}}{dt}\times {\bf B} - {\bf B}\times \frac{d{\bf x}}{dt}\right).$ (3.88)

This equation of motion is a generalization of the Ehrenfest theorem that takes electromagnetic fields into account. The fact that Equation (3.88) is analogous in form to the corresponding classical equation of motion (given that $ d{\bf x}/dt$ and $ {\bf B}$ commute in classical mechanics) justifies our earlier assumption that Equation (3.71) is the correct quantum mechanical Hamiltonian for a charged particle moving in electromagnetic fields.

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2016-01-22