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Up: Hamiltonian Dynamics
Previous: Constrained Lagrangian Dynamics
Consider a dynamical system with
degrees of freedom which is described
by the generalized coordinates
, for
. Suppose that
neither the kinetic energy,
, nor the potential energy,
, depend
explicitly on the time,
. Now, in conventional dynamical systems, the potential energy is generally independent of the
, whereas the kinetic
energy takes the form of a homogeneous quadratic function of
. In other words,
(744) |
where the
depend on the
, but not on the
It is easily demonstrated from the above equation that
(745) |
Recall, from Section 9.8, that generalized momentum conjugate to the
generalized coordinate is defined
(746) |
is the Lagrangian of the system, and we have made use of the fact that
is independent of the
. Consider the
(747) |
If all of the conditions discussed above are satisfied then Equations (745)
and (746)
(748) |
In other words, the function
is equal to the total energy of the system.
Consider the variation of the function
. We have
(749) |
The first and third terms in the bracket cancel, because
. Furthermore, since Lagrange's equation
can be written
(see Section 9.8), we obtain
(750) |
Suppose, now, that we can express the total energy of the system,
, solely
as a function of the
and the
, with no explicit
dependence on the
. In other words, suppose that we
can write
. When the energy is written
in this fashion it is generally termed the Hamiltonian of the system. The variation of the Hamiltonian function takes the form
(751) |
A comparison of the previous two equations yields
. These
first-order differential equations are known
as Hamilton's equations. Hamilton's equations are often a
useful alternative to Lagrange's equations, which take the
form of
second-order differential equations.
Consider a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. The kinetic and potential
energies of the system are written
, where
is the displacement,
the mass, and
The generalized momentum conjugate to
(754) |
Hence, we can write
(755) |
So, the Hamiltonian of the system takes the form
(756) |
Thus, Hamilton's equations, (752) and (753), yield
Of course, the first equation is just a restatement of Equation (754), whereas the second is Newton's second law of motion for the
Consider a particle of mass
moving in the central potential
In this case,
(759) |
are polar coordinates. The generalized momenta conjugate to
Hence, we can write
(762) |
Thus, the Hamiltonian of the system takes the form
(763) |
In this case, Hamilton's equations yield
which are just restatements of Equations (760) and (761), respectively,
as well as
The last equation implies that
(768) |
is a constant. This can be combined with Equation (766)
to give
(769) |
. Of course, Equations (768) and (769) are the
conventional equations of motion for a particle moving in a central potential--see Chapter 5.
Next: Exercises
Up: Hamiltonian Dynamics
Previous: Constrained Lagrangian Dynamics
Richard Fitzpatrick