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Crocco's Theorem

Bernoulli's theorem for the steady, inviscid flow of an ideal gas, in the absence of body forces, implies that, on a given streamline,

$\displaystyle {\cal H} + \frac{1}{2}\,v^{\,2} = {\cal H}_0,$ (15.85)

where $ {\cal H}$ is the specific enthalpy, $ {\cal H}_0$ the stagnation enthalpy, and $ {\bf v}$ the flow velocity. (See Section 14.5.) The fluid equation of motion, (14.31), reduces to

$\displaystyle ({\bf v}\cdot\nabla)\,{\bf v} = -\frac{\nabla p}{\rho}.$ (15.86)

However, according to Equation (A.171),

$\displaystyle ({\bf v}\cdot\nabla)\,{\bf v} \equiv\nabla (v^{\,2}/2) -{\bf v}\times$$\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\omega$}$$\displaystyle ,$ (15.87)

where $ \omega$ $ =\nabla\times {\bf v}$ . Hence, we obtain

$\displaystyle {\bf v}\times$   $\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\omega$}$$\displaystyle =\nabla(v^{\,2}/2) + \frac{\nabla p}{\rho}.$ (15.88)

Now, Equation (14.29) implies that

$\displaystyle \nabla {\cal H} = \frac{\nabla p}{\rho} + T\,\nabla{\cal S},$ (15.89)

where $ T$ is the temperature, and $ {\cal S}$ the specific entropy. Moreover, Equation (15.85) yields

$\displaystyle \nabla {\cal H} +\nabla(v^{\,2}/2) = \nabla {\cal H}_0.$ (15.90)

Thus, we arrive at Crocco's theorem:

$\displaystyle {\bf v}\times$   $\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\omega$}$$\displaystyle = \nabla {\cal H}_0 - T\,\nabla{\cal S}.$ (15.91)

In most aerodynamic flows, the fluid originates from a common reservoir, which implies that the stagnation enthalpy, $ {\cal H}_0$ , is the same on all streamlines. Such flow is termed homenergic. It follows from Equation (14.18) that the stagnation temperature, $ T_0$ , is the same on all streamlines in homenergic flow. According to Crocco's theorem, an irrotational (i.e., $ \omega$ $ ={\bf0}$ everywhere) homenergic (i.e., $ \nabla {\cal H}_0=0$ everywhere) flow pattern is also homentropic (i.e., $ \nabla {\cal S}=0$ everywhere). Conversely, a homenergic, homentropic flow pattern is also irrotational (at least, in two dimensions, where $ {\bf v}$ and $ \omega$ cannot be parallel to one another).

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2016-01-22