(defined in stdlib.h). The
srand() function sets its argument, which is of type int, as the
seed for a new sequence of numbers to be returned by rand(). These
sequences are repeatable by calling srand() with the same seed value.
If no seed value is provided, the rand() function is automatically
seeded with the value 1. It is common practice in C programming to
seed the random number generator with the number of seconds elapsed since
00:00:00 UTC, January 1st, 1970. This number is returned, as an integer, via
a call to the time (NULL) function (header file: <time.h>). Seeding
the generator in this manner ensures that a different set of random numbers is
generated automatically each time the program is run.
The program listed below illustrates the use of the rand() function to construct a
pseudo-random variable, x, which is uniformly distributed in the range 0 to 1.
The program calculates values of x, and then evaluates the mean and
variance of these values.
/* random.c */ /* Program to test operation of rand() function */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #define N_MAX 10000000 int main() { int i, seed; double sum_0, sum_1, mean, var, x; /* Seed random number generator */ seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); /* Calculate mean and variance of x: random number uniformly distributed in range 0 to 1 */ for (i = 1, sum_0 = 0., sum_1 = 0.; i <= N_MAX; i++) { x = (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX; sum_0 += x; sum_1 += (x - 0.5) * (x - 0.5); } mean = sum_0 / (double) N_MAX; var = sum_1 / (double) N_MAX; printf("mean(x) = %12.10f var(x) = %12.10f\n", mean, var); return 0; }The typical output from this program is as follows:
mean(x) = 0.5000335261 var(x) = 0.0833193874 %As is easily demonstrated, the theoretical mean and variance of x are