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Worked example 1.3: Dimensional analysis

Question: The speed of sound $v$ in a gas might plausibly depend on the pressure $p$, the density $\rho$, and the volume $V$ of the gas. Use dimensional analysis to determine the exponents $x$, $y$, and $z$ in the formula

v = C p^x \rho^y V^z,

where $C$ is a dimensionless constant. Incidentally, the mks units of pressure are kilograms per meter per second squared.
Answer: Equating the dimensions of both sides of the above equation, we obtain

\frac{[L]}{[T]} = \left(\frac{[M]}{[T^2][L]}\right)^x\left(
\frac{[M]}{[L^3]}\right)^y [L^3]^z.

A comparison of the exponents of $[L]$, $[M]$, and $[T]$ on either side of the above expression yields
$\displaystyle 1$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -x -3 y+ 3z,$  
$\displaystyle 0$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle x + y,$  
$\displaystyle -1$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle -2 x.$  

The third equation immediately gives $x=1/2$; the second equation then yields $y=-1/2$; finally, the first equation gives $z=0$. Hence,

v = C \sqrt{\frac{p}{\rho}}.

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2006-02-02